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 ___              _ _            _ _   _      ___ ___ ___ _     _   
/ __| __ _ _  _  (_) |_  __ __ _(_) |_| |_   | __|_ _/ __| |___| |_ 
\__ \/ _` | || | | |  _| \ V  V / |  _| ' \  | _| | | (_ | / -_)  _|
|___/\__,_|\_, | |_|\__|  \_/\_/|_|\__|_||_| |_| |___\___|_\___|\__|

When plain text just isn't up to the job, try giant-sized letters instead. Don't forget to use a monospaced (typewriter) font when copying the output from this tool, otherwise you'll end up with an unreadable mess. Choosing a font like Courier will do the trick. If you're posting to a web forum, try putting <pre> and </pre> tags at the beginning and end (or perhaps [code] and [/code]).

Enter text here (max. 80 characters):

Choose a font: and then if you don't see the results straight away.

Results will appear below:


This tool is based on the FIGlet text generator, and uses fonts sourced via jave.de.