Tag: music

World In Action / I’m As Mad As Hell

There were some bloody good TV theme tunes back in the 70s. World in Action was a particular favourite. I recently discovered a mashup of this tune with Peter Finch’s “I’m as mad as hell” rant from the film Network.

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** Insert “Uranus” joke here **

Here’s a tip: if you’re going to the Proms this year and you need to break wind, try doing it during one of the fortissimo sections so nobody will be able to hear you. So for example, in last night’s

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I made a tune. Hope you like it. glimmer.mp3 (3 MB) Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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World Stylophone Quartet

This video deserves more views:

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